

• 20 grams of Bud

• 400 grams of Dark chocolate (minimum 70% cocoa solids)

• A saucepan

• Glass Bowl

• Coffee or a herb grinder

• Chocolate Mould 




The amount of bud and chocolate you use will depend on how strong you want to make this delicious edible.

A seasoned cannabis consumer will prefer their chocolates to have a bit of a kick so this recipe makes chocolates that each contain a gram of Bud.

To calculate the dose of each chocolate is quite easy, If we divide the total amount of bud by the total amount of chocolate we will have the amount of bud per gram of chocolate, e.g. in this recipe we are using 400 grams of chocolate and 20 grams of Bud.

  Simply divide the 20 grams of Bud by the 400 grams of chocolate to get a figure of 0.05 grams of Bud per chocolate.

The chocolate moulds used here produce a 20 gram chocolate chunk, each chunk contains 1 gram of bud,

(20 grams x 0.05 = 1 gram)

 If you want a stronger or weaker chocolate then the above calculation will enable you to measure the amount of cannabis in each piece.

Whenever you make a new batch of chocolate always treat the first piece with respect, as cannabis strength varies from strain to strain your chocolate strength will vary from gram to gram.

To maximize the effects you will need to Decarboxylate by placing your cannabis in a preheated oven at 106°C, for 25 minutes, however there is no need to do this if you are using the vaped bud from your vaporizer.


Melting chocolate 


While the Bud is in the oven you can make your double boiler, this ensures that the chocolate doesn't get too hot.


Place a glass bowl on top of a saucepan containing some simmering water. Make sure that the water does not come into contact with the bowl as you want to use the steam from the simmering (NOT boiling) water to create a gentle heat which is perfect for melting the chocolate.

Break up your chocolate into pieces and place in the bowl.

Allow the chocolate to melt and don't be tempted to speed up the process by increasing the temperature as this will spoil the finished product.  

While your chocolate is melting you can prepare your Bud.

After allowing the Bud to cool for a few minutes place it between your fingers where it should feel dry and crisp, it must now be ground to a fine dust in either a coffee or a herb grinder. It only takes a few seconds to grind the Bud into a fine dust.

To ensure that your Bud if fine enough put it through a fine sieve and discard the small pieces of stem that are left behind

 When thoroughly mixed, remove the pan and spoon into your chocolate mould, you can use an ice cube tray if you don't have a chocolate mould.

When the tray is full gently raise it about 10 cm (4 inches) and drop it onto the work surface, this removes trapped air from the chocolate and gives a better product. Place the mould into a refrigerator and allow to set.  



Ice cube tray used as mould


If you follow this recipe exactly then please bear in mind that for most people a one gram chocolate is a very strong dose so its best to build up slowly, a quarter of one of these chocolates is a good starting point if you are new to ingestion or if you have a low tolerance.


Cannabis chocolate

Cannabis edibles are easy and convenient way to take your medical marijuana, however, the effects from eating cannabis can be very different to smoking on a vaporizer or pipe.

When first experimenting with your cannabis edibles it is advisable to start in the evening to begin with and remember that the effects can take up to one hour to be effective so do not be tempted to consume more until you are sure you have fully digested the first dose. 


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